Ubiquisys G3-mini at the Femto Forum's Femtozone
(residential femtocell, 8 calls, 14.4Mbps, 8cm tall, 4.5W power consumption)
SFR and SoftBank G2 femtocells
Ubiquisys self-organising residential femtocells
Netgear all-in-one gateway - femto, wifi, ADSL, VoIP
(the tall black unit - features integrated Ubiquisys femto)
Ubiquisys G3-Enterprise femtocell
16 calls, 14.4Mbps - forms a self-organising network (SON)
Public Wireless Colo-Node HSPA metro femtocell
4x Ubiquisys 16-call/14.4Mbps femtocells, cable backhaul, self-organising, 2km range
Ubiquisys G2 IMS/SIP femtocell demo at the Tatara booth
Ubiquisys G3-mini and G3-enterprise on the Ericsson booth
(2Wire femto gateway featuring Ubiquisys femtocell just out of shot)